The revolutionary Palit JetStream風 series of graphics cards features advanced innovative cooling and an optimized product design to deliver gamers the ultimate gaming experience. Guarantee gamers to have cutting-edge performance and a explosive new gaming experience The brand new gaming series, Palit “GameRock” is specially designed for enthusiast gamers who desire to have the ultimate gaming experience. GameRock series provides the best gaming features, the best thermal solution and the best graphics card quality, make you become a real game rocker without any fears.
This descriptivist approach is predicated upon the assumption that there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term 'hacker'. I believe it's still useful to differentiate between hackers and security crackers, though, and that terms like 'malicious security cracker' are sufficiently evocative and clear that their use actually helps make communication more effective than the common journalistic misuse of 'hacker'. I think it's useful to differentiate especially because there are many situations where 'hack', and its conjugations, is the only effective term to describe something that has nothing to do with malicious violation of security measures or privacy.
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